I have an appointment scheduled with a specialist tomorrow so I will find out he extent of it then. Hopefully it isn't bad. May have to start looking for good video camera's and guys to film if I am unable to hunt this season.
don't write it off quite yet man... there are some great ortho's down toward lake forest/highland park area... the guy that did my need about 7-8yrs ago used to do work for the bears and the chicago sting... if you don't mind a travel, there is an ortho clinic in Birmingham, AL that used to treat Jordan, supposedly the best in the country...
I fully intend to hunt still this season unless it is much worse then I am thinking. But to be honest I have really wanted to get into filming so if it works out the other way I won't be totally upset.
Sorry to hear about that Ferg. Ever think about a cross bow? You might qualify even without the injury.:d Just kidding hope it all works out for ya.
Man im sorry for you, hopefully you can recover come fall, But i guess that's another injury caught on film that night if it happened during the race.
Ferg man thats a bummer but I have to say this quote is on man I keep remembering all the shows, time to slow down there big fella your getting older remember!!! Keep us posted and let me know how it goes.. Walt
Crossbow....I would never quit! That being said, I hope it is just a minor tear or maybe the first doctor even misdiagnosed you (which happens more than people think). Could just be a shoulder muscle strain or tear.