Well, I am sure that we are all tired of the pictures of me passed out on the lawn. For the record I did not puke all over myself like someone else but none the less it was a rough night. Night was actually going fine till the 1/3rd full bottle of SoCo made it's way to me. Well I don't recall much of what happened after the swim in the pond but during all the nights festivities I managed to do a number to my shoulder. I know soon as I woke up Saturday morning that something wasn't right. I ended up shooting the entire day but was in a lot of pain. As of tonight the pain has done nothing but intensify. Well after a visit to the dr. it appears that I managed to tear my rotator cuff. So it appears that softball is over for me this season and I will find out in a few days how soon I will be able to get back to shooting the bow.
Damn man, that's rough. I hope the tear isn't bad and I certainly hope it had nothing to do with the tent tackle...
I have to go see a specialist in the next day or two so I will know a lot more then and with any luck the drugs will start to kick in here soon!!!
And for the record I remember that tackle and I think you got the worst of that crashing into that box in my tent!!!
I'm saved!!!! I didn't know there was a fall BEFORE the lake! :D :D :D Fergy... That box is freakin tough. It drew blood and gave me a bloody nose.
Ferg, real sorry to hear that buddy. Dude I have some bad news for you. 2 guys at work had rotator surg. done, & you won't be huntn' w/a bow this yr. They had it done last yr & are just starting to get the strength back to pull a bow back. It's a real long healing process, & don't push it or it will take longer. Man, I'm real sorry to hear that. Take care. Keep in touch.
Well I am not thinking that it is that serious but I will find out soon enough. I am figuring if it was that bad I wouldn't have been able to shoot at all on saturday. That did explain why I couldn't throw the football at all on Sunday morning with Buck-o.
Easy killer! That might be how them Old Wisconsin boys heal, but I had my surgery on December 14th and was shooting my bow (a few shots) in the beginning of march... Fergy, again... I apologize if I were the cause.
NOOOOOOOOOOOOO!! Say it aint so!! Im willing to bet it was one of the THREE falls AFTER the swim before getting to the bridge. they looked like pretty hard landings.
Sorry buddy, I was hoping after the call last night that it wasn't going to be so serious. I hunted with a fractured elbow back in 05 and ended up doing more damage to it. Keep me posted and maybe we can find you a left handed bow for the meantime
Damn Ferg...that sucks man. Hope it is good news and just a minor injury...but like others have said...those rotator cuffs injuries suck ass!!
Sorry to hear thar man , is it just me or has anyone noticed throughout life everytime you get into a bottle of anything - it doesnt end well ?! LOL I learned that 8 years ago "ive got pins in my left hand now" I dont remember trying to k.o. a fencepost ! Hey you live and ya learn !
ok, so lemme get this straight, i puked, but you guys ended up battered and bloodied yet somehow I'm the one that had the roughest night?? haha... sorry to here about it ferg, get it taken care of asap so it doesn't interfere with the season... torn rotator cuffs are no joke