How often does you guys call? What kind of grunts do you find work the best like 3 soft ones 1 contact? Also is using the primos estrus can is it good to throw in a grunt or two with that? I have heard every 30min, but it sounds like alot to me? Just looking for some opinions on what has worked for everyone? Thanks
I rarely call. Usually a little more during the rut, and always when I rattle. Pretty much something I reserve for when I can see a deer, or I have a definite idea a deer is within hearing distance from me. When I rattle, I use random buck calls a little before, during, and just after a sequence, but I usually stick with a doe grunt. Personally haven't had any luck with a can, but i know people that swear by them during the rut.
I usually don't call all that often. I call more during the rut and right before the rut hits than early or late season. I called in a buck the other day that I saw wasn't going to come by me within shooting distance. I figured "why not". If he doesn't come in to the grunt it's not like I'm losing anything since he's not coming by me. I grunted several long deep grunts and then several short tending grunts like when a buck is trailing or trying to breed a hot doe. This buck circled downwind and then busted straight in. He ran straight to the base of my tree. In this instance it was very windy and I had to get very loud with the grunt. Each situation is different and I would suggest that you don't blind call too often since you can't see the deer you don't know how they are reacting to your call. If you see a deer and it's obviously not going to give you a shot then try calling at it. If you get it's attention and it starts your way, don't call anymore. If it keeps moving away, get more agressive. Good luck and I hope this helps.
Calling works when the time is right, like now. There is no rule for calling except when the buck has already committed to coming in. You may give yourself up if he is already coming. So grunt, rattle and bleat. Do it as often as you want. Just use a little common sense. Bucks and does are pretty vocal right now. Good luck!!
I heard grunting last Saturday. it was a few grunts in a row. I answered back, but I never saw anything. it wasn't until about 10 minutes later I observed the largest buck I have ever seen walking away from me in the thick stuff. he was about 100yards out befor I could get a good look at him. I started grunting more to get his attention and that when I notice something directly under my stand. I had a small 4 pointer walking under me. So I said to myself this is freaking on. I have a live buck decoy under my stand and he as well was grunting, however, that big guy never came in he simply disappeared.