I have heard several deer grunt live in person and plenty in videos. Not a single one of them was as loud as the grunt calls that I have used or heard others use. Why are the grunt calls so deep and loud when an actual buck grunt is not? Sent from my SM-G973U using Bowhunting.com Forums mobile app
Because if they are close enough to hear a soft low grunt, they are probably close enough that you dont need to bother grunting at all. If buck hear loud grunt yes there is chance that he doesn't come in but doesn't hear the call at all then there no chance at all that he comes in.
Does a buck typically grunt when no other deer is in sight? Sent from my SM-G973U using Bowhunting.com Forums mobile app
A buck isnt doing the grunting, your the one grunting at a deer you can see. The first step to him responding is him hearing you in the first place. If he doesn't hear you it's a pretty much moot point.
many times they just ignore it....they may look around, but they don't seem to really pay attention to it. I have only grunted in two bucks and killed them in 30 years..
If a deer is 200 yards away and abother deer grunts, would that deer hear it? Sent from my SM-G973U using Bowhunting.com Forums mobile app
It’s exaggerated and can be overdone. I have to believe that most of the time it has to sound weird to them. But you are capitalizing on their curiosity. I’ve grunted and rattled in a lot of deer and killed quite a few doing it. It works about 20% of the time I’d say. My thought is if the deer is headed away from me then what can it hurt. I Try not to be obnoxious to the point of educating them. I’ll start light and increase volume till I see them react to it
That make sense, start soft (normal) and get louder until they hear you, if you already see them. It seems to me that if you grunt (assuming it is blind calling), and a deer can hear it from a ways away, it would automatically sound too loud to the deer. If you did a normal toned grunt, the deer would likely not hear you, as would be the case if you were actually a real deer. Funny you mention rattling because none of the rattling I hear people do sounds like real deer either. Maybe I am just jaded, but I prefer to sit and wait to see what comes in, instead of calling. It has just never been something that interested me. To each his/her own, of course. Sent from my SM-G973U using Bowhunting.com Forums mobile app
I can tell you that I have been in close proximity twice when two better than average bucks full on fight....they sound like they are tearing the woods down.. way more dramatic than any rattling sequence I have done or heard done..
If a buck is excited enough, he'll grunt when no other deer is in sight. I've seen them grunting while following the trail of a hot doe. The grunt call can be a useful tool. they have to be loud enough to reach out to distant deer. If the deer aren't that far out you don't need to call as loud. It is best used to get a bucks attention that seems to be going passed you. It can also be used to blind call as well. I have killed several bucks each way.
Very true. Trying to rattle from a tree is a long range tactic. If they are close and you are smashing them together from 20’ in the air with no ground noise they catch on quick. Being on the ground where you can kick the leaves and pound the ground around you is way more realistic
Get an extinguisher. They aren’t loud at all. I’m in the process of finding a louder call right this second actually. The extinguisher is the call for you. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Anybody have any experience with a Duel Doubleback or Woodhaven Intimidator? Looking for something that sounds realistic. Not as soft as the Extinguisher and not as loud as the Buck Roar. I need something in the middle. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
As far as rattling goes, I never bang antlers where I hunt, because it spooks the deer. In 18 years of hunting my area, I've never once heard two bucks fighting. Ever. With the grunting, I wont use the grunt tube blindly. Only if I see a buck and I know he's not going to come my way, will I grunt. As mentioned, more often than not, they initially respond by looking around, but end up just going on their way. I think a lot of folks use both calls in excess from what I have seen.
You can tune a grunt call just like a duck call. I've adjusted mine to sound like the deer I hear in my woods. And like a duck call you can blow on it loud or soft whatever the situation dictates. In calm weather you can hear a deer grunt from some distance away.
I think one of the things we all seem to forget about calling to deer is the fact that deer walking through the woods are making plenty of noise on their own and they have a harder time hearing. Just like you or I walking through the woods, we're making a pretty good racket and we can't hear anything. I can't imagine a deer is much different. Ever have a deer walking into range and you softly mouth bleat at him to stop him in a lane and he doesn't hear you? Even though he's only 20 yards away? I've had to darn near yell at deer on occasion to get their attention. I don't think its that the deer is rut stupid as much as its that he simply can't hear as well while he's walking through crispy dry leaves. Early in, brings up a really good point. I also don't blind call with a grunt call. I personally don't like the thoughts of a buck that I don't know is there actively looking for me. Sure it works for many, but I would much rather "work" a deer that I know is within earshot. I like a call that I can turn the volume up on if needed. No, I don't think its nearly as natural, but lets be honest.. deer are not as intelligent as we want to believe they are. But, i've also heard bucks running does that were awfully loud. Simple thing to do... start off low when calling to a buck and if he ignores it ratchet up the volume a bit at a time until he stops and acknowledges you. I have rarely spooked bucks grunting like this. Worse case, he flicks his tail and continues on about his business.
^ Exactly! Once you make that call, if he responds, you have that buck on alert, looking for something. Often, they'll come in slowly, sneakily, looking for the source. I'd rather see the buck first, then call if he isn't coming my way. That way I can monitor his reactions and deal with it accordingly.