I wish I had pix of the other bucks this evening they were even more significant. But just for giggles here's pix a week apart of hte buck in my yard Week ago And tonight
A whopping 2 acres! The woodlot they come out of is pretty small. 10 acres tops. It's cool & all to see them now, but they will have long since disappeared and/or gone nocturnal by October. I wish I could say I was the only one hunting back there, but it's a hunter parade at times. Probably even more so this year, I'm sure I'm not the only one whose seen these bucks.
Hey, I only have two acres, and it's rural like yours, but I'm not seeing bucks like that!:D Awesome pictures, though.
Wow, he is really taking off... great photo's Ryan. Hopefully my buddies cam has some pics of the buck I got on cam a few weeks ago... he was spotted on the farm and is supposed to be beautiful now.
thats a good buck for PA, and he has more time to grow 2 / 3 weeks good luck with him and the other hunters!!!!!!!!!!
He's definitely doing some growing. Hopefully you'll get a chance to get after him before he gets buggered up by the other hunters. A buddy of mine has a buck on trail cam that is very similar to that one in the left beam, but it's got kickers off both G2s and the the right G3 on yours is much better.