This is my first year hunting in a pop up ground blind, i was sitting in it this past Thursday night around 11 pm waiting for hogs to come in when i noticed something moving in the weeds my way, about 30 feet away i saw what was heading straight for my blind.... a Skunk. It came right to my blind and scratched around the outside for about five minutes before it decided to run off. I had my sent killer sprayer in my hand ready for it to stick his nose under the blind, if i was going to get sprayed so was he!!! Has anyone had something come crawling in to visit them while sitting in a pop up blind?
twice this year i've had a doe stick her nose about 6" from the open window of my blind. I also had a squirrel tap dancing on the roof of my blind last season.
Couple birds and a squirrel messing around on the roof so far this year. Had a small buck right outside my window for close to an hour. Good video footage of him.
Nick, I am new to bow hunting this year. I thought it would be nice to set my ground blind out this year as well. I am still nervous going out to it. I have seen a few skunks around the area. That's all i want is to go out that early in the morning, crabby and all, then get sprayed.