I have a Cabelas Full-Draw 5 hub-style ground Blind, aboout 2 yrs old. I left it out all season, and the snow crushed it. I broke about 4 fiberglass poles. I took apart the hubs and got the pieces out, but I don't think I can repair them. I called Cabelas to see if I could order poles, and they said it was a foreign supplier, not available any more. The lady actually advised me to go to the hardware store and "fashion something". It looks to me like a direct match for the Ameristep g-30 blind. Does anybody have the customer service number for them? If that doesn't work, maybe I will have to fashion something up. Thanks much, Leebow.
Funny you should mention this, I just picked up a G-30 on sale at gander last night. Number on the box is 810-686-4025
I called them, and they sent me a picture of their hub tip. Its more of a "T" than a ball, so it won't work. I ended up going to a Hobby store for some dowel end caps. They might just work. FYI, if you plan to leave it up for the season, prop up the ceiling from the inside with a stick, it will save you from my situation! Marilyn [[email protected]]
Hey Fitz, sorry for the delay. The poles are solid carbon rods, roughly 3/8ths plus diam. and at least 36" long, so...no. I found that I will lose about an inch, but if I trim up the bad end I could use the snub cap on it and gain back the length. I plan on reinforcing the whole thing, and when I have it all set I will repaint all the flat black interior. I just hope I can figure out which part of what goes where. Thanks!
Look where the yard sign section is at your local hardware store such as Lowes. They have long sections of fiberglass rods the same size as most blind rods....buy one for a few bucks, cut to length, and replace your broken one. Many guys with DB have done this to get by in a pinch before the factory replacements arrived...some just used the replacement permanently. Cheap fix.