Going to buy my first ground blind very soon basically to introduce my 4 1/2 year old daughter to deer hunting. I know what's out there; do I pay the extra for the Darkhorse, which is very nice, or go more affordable and go the Doghouse route? I just want her and myself to be comfortable and want it to be a pleasurable experience for her especially. To add I have never hunted out of a ground blind.
Neither, I'd go with Ground Max... same company, cheaper Blind, Check out the Ground Max "Vision" I LOVE mine. http://www.cabelas.com/cabelas/en/t...-box.jsp.form23&Go.x=0&_dyncharset=ISO-8859-1 Hey, It's on sale too! Good luck with your quest!
my old lady and i can hunt out of this comfotably with 2 comfy chairs and all our gear in it.. doghouse
Dude I could only imagine...taking BrowTine with her beside me. I believe I'd hang it up after that.....nah who am I kidding!
i look for a few things 1. kifs gonna be a bit fidgety so you want a little room 2. my problem with many ground blinds is my elbow or arrow hits the wall when at draw, or not, respectively 3. ties on the sides for brush and what not to be afffixed to big fan of this one http://www.cabelas.com/cabelas/en/t...parentType=index&indexId=cat540014&hasJS=true nice and tall, zip out floor. lots of windows that can be covered. treat it as an investment and tool you can use alot.
I have a double bull matrix and love it. Personally I'm not a fan of the camo on the dark horse, if I was going to look at another ground blind, it would be the ASAT blind. They're extremely reasonable in price and have several features that set them apart from the others. Worth a look...