I was shooting the 100gr 2" "whitetail specials"; but yeah I could not hardly believe it. I had a well-tuned bow that was stacking them up equally with fixed and other mechs; then when I shot a GR it was repeatedly and significantly hitting off-zero. So I pulled another one out of the pack and same thing just in a different spot. Third one hit in yet another spot and blew up inside the foam block on the very first shot. Thus ended my GrimReaper experiments. Maybe I got a bad batch or even a pack of counterfeits, but IIRC I actually bought those in a pro shop. This was back in 2013 or 2014.
I guess I'll sacrifice a couple of these out of the pack I opened and try them on my "almost shot out" foam block. There are still a few solid areas on it. Like @Fix said, Grim Reaper practice broadheads don't behave exactly like the real thing. If they suck I'll return the unopened pack and try something else or maybe stick with Slick Tricks. If they don't meet my standards I could always pack up the two unused ones and ship them to @Bowhuntr64 if he's interested. I'm not sure if he's tried out the Pro Series Grim Reapers or not.
I just finished shooting two arrows tipped with Pro Series Whitetail Specials along with two arrows tipped with field points. I shot at 20, 30 and 40 yards and there was no noticeable difference in point of impact compared to field points. Of course, I'm not Levi Morgan either. I'll just say they hit the same for me. The small, dense Block target had no adverse affects whatsoever. After six shots each, other than a little rubber/foam smudging on them you couldn't tell they'd been shot unless you looked closely at the cup. I'll be trying them out this season with the new bow.