Sorry, I know this map stuff has been beaten to death, but a little help here would be great. This property is in Bracken County KY. There is a field to the southwest (right across the road) where the deer have been known to feed. It seems the travel routes (in my mind) would be along the blue lines along the no hunting zone, so maybe a good location would be close to where the lines meet. Where else might you think would be good locations? I have never stepped foot on this property, my step dad has leased it and I have permission to hunt on it as well.
I couldn't add anything to that, but I think I'd get a little more to the ENE of the spot closest to the center of the map and utilize that pinchpoint in that draw in that patch of woods, And I may look at that spot about halfway between the "N" in Zone, and the point he put to the far SE Corner. The good think about a piece of land like this is that it would appear that you ought to be able to GLASS it to better narrow down where you really want to be!!!