ESPN blows..... he sooner you realize that, the better off you will be. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Is it possible they run the table, sure its possible...but it is as likely as you passing a 140" 3 1/2 year old
Yeah well there is still a chance I have a feeling I am going to regret not going to Cleveland to be a witness to the run.
I am sure you are aware of the term mathematically eliminated, you know like when you start 5-0 and end up at 8-8 and miss the playoffs.
More I look at the wildcard hunt teams and their remaining I crazy to say GB would be better suited to give Hundley this season to grow and save AR....?
Ty the thought of the Packers tanking goes against the very principal that built Title Town, Lombardi, and Lambeau. Even if Rogers only returns to play spoiler it will be worth it if Aaron and the training staff say he is good to go I have a feeling he will be playing. The Packers offense is designed to run at full throttle, wide open Brett can only run at a little over half throttle with the offense.
I get that mentality doesn't sit well with me either...but I also am not a fan of playing for is highly possible that in a couple weeks we are 100% eliminated from playoff contention, at that point I think serious consideration should be done to think about future more than present. AR won't want to sit though I know that....and I don't see the organization telling him otherwise.
Ty I am older I remember Packer football from the 70's and 80's when many meaningless games were played but yet during those games there would be a glimmer of hope some players would elevate and give hope and optimism the common mantra was oh boy wait till next year, that went on for 20 years. The Packers have never taken a knee or tanked since Ron Wolf changed the Packers.
Finish this sentence. If the packers lose to the Browns... Fire capers before he even gets to the locker room?