Aaron returns to practice on Sunday, still not sure I would let him play. Wouldn't it be something for Aaron to return for the vikings game and win the game and take home field or a bye away from the vikings in the playoffs.
I actually thought Sunday night IF GB pulls this miracle game out AR will return. Once we lost that game I'm personally thinking chances are slim we decide to bring him back. Now if GB wins next two before he can return if I understand IR timeframe right......only way it MAY be worth it.
Nothing says GB has to bring him back as the starter....just saying. I know, a guy can't lose his job due to injury.
That would be an amazing feat because Martin has been dead for 12 years. How about Chuck Cecil or Ken Stills? Sent from my iPhone using Bowhunting.com Forums
Your aptitude test results are back, says you should not go into comedy or NFL wagering. Nice fail you made it a little sweeter for me.
Hahahahahahahahahahahahahhaha. That was good..... Ha. One of the worst wins you will see all season. SKOL Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Not from my perspective I called it and then got to roast a troll, sounds like a pleasant Sunday to me.
Troll... What's that? I don't even try with you anymore. Was simply posting a fact. 13-22, 84 yards, and an INT. Good luck. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
No Jake it is not all about you, check axtell343's comment after I called the victory at 9:21 this morning.
I see now. I don't read this garbage thread. I just come in here to troll Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk