Yeah (no spoilers) I like the plot twists; and there are some other good actors/performances in it. Eastern Promises (which got very little hype) was MUCH better than "The Road" which IIRC got a lot of Oscar talk. The Road SUCKED. One of the worst movies I ever forced myself to sit through. Good as Eastern Promises is; this is my favorite Viggo movie though:
I was going to mention that one, but it was late and I was lazy. Lol. I dont think I saw the Road and sounds like I didn't miss anything. Loved History of Violence for sure. Captain Fantastic is awesome with Viggo, but it is more of a drama. Sent from my SM-G960U using Forums mobile app
No room for humor anymore. Life's too serious. Sent from my SM-G960U using Forums mobile app
I couldn't sleep due to the power cutting in and out, so I had plenty of time to screw around on the intranets. As far as The Road...all I can say is the experience of watching it is kind of like slowly pulling a band-aide off a hairy section of your arm...for 2 hours. Not going to kill you; and not quite enough acute pain to make you jerk away entirely- just this abnormal level of disturbingly consistent unpleasantness.
Sounds like my first marriage. Lmao. I'll pass. Sent from my SM-G960U using Forums mobile app
People forget how groundbreaking the visual effect were in this one. Sent from my SM-G960U using Forums mobile app
And im not sure if Deadpool made the list but the second one was almost as good as the first one is talking about it. Sent from my SM-G960U using Forums mobile app
The daughter of my neighbor married this kid from The Sandlot. They come to visit a couple of times a year. They were in town for Mother's Day. Rumor has it that Disney+ working on a TV series with the original cast. But, he would not comment on it.
Is there also extra points for answering a two year old question? From the American Ninja movies. Michael something...