Well having tagged out in Ohio (I still have a doe tag and can get more, but the freezers at capacity) I thought I was done. I still had one unanswered question. My best stand, (I never even got to sit in). About 1:30 pm the phone rings, they are combining the corn on the neighboring farm to my best stand. I dunno 70-100 acres or so. Why not, I throw my stuff together, it's bitter cold, and off I go. More to see what's happening than anything. I'm not in my stand 20 minutes and a nice 8pt circles me crosses the creek and passes behind me. (this is swamp area)! I have a clear shot at 30 yards. But no tag. Cool great start. Later, I hear a deer moving in the water in the thick stuff. She steps out, doe, more sloshing and here comes a buck on her trail, a heavy massed 10 pt. They are working my way (east from the west) she dictates all the movement. Now something else is approaching close, from the south, a 9pt walks in the thick underbrush to 9 yards. He looks up and sees something (I'm not in UC cuz it's freezing and I don't have my fleece yet Andy!) He doesn't spook but he turns around and heads back and then crosses the creek. All in all, a great hunt and one I needed to make! knew from the onset that the bow was just along for the company! My plan was solid, my stand location great. I have no regrets in taking my 9 on Monday..the 10 tonight would have scored better, raise the bar! Opening day is only 300 and some odd days away! :D
How about it? I even have a doe tag, and I took a camera out on my last sit:D I'm like you, though. I plan to get out and sit in my finger stand once the corn is cut to see what comes around. That's the stand where I saw the big 8 last year.
I know, I thought of the camera..after I was up! It really all came together so fast, I was just trying to get out there. Somehow I have to make a camera more of a priority, I never have it in the field when I score or etc. I'll work on that next year.