Well I gotta run to my dad's birthday dinner thing, but pictures are worth a thousand words. :D.. Little bro got his second bowkill, I took a doe opening day, and my best friend since we were 10 years old got his first deer ever this morning from my favorite stand. I told him he could shoot whatever makes him happy. Couldn't have had a better weekend with family and friends. I'll add some stories later if I get time tonight, but gotta run...Happy hunting everyone!
Thanks guys, definitely a good time. My brother actually got his doe on film, and now my buddy has some of his own meat for this year, instead of moochin' off me . Seriously though, I couldn't be happier for both of them. I'm gonna let that side of our farm cool down for a week or two and hunt the bottoms, as well as Ohio for a little awhile... But I had to get a stand in near a rub line we found while gutting a deer yesterday. Can't wait to get in there when the time is right, I have never hunted the little area where we found the big fresh rubs!