I have a large bird feeding apparatus 20yds from my kitchen window. Lately we have been getting a lot of Grackles and Starlings (sky rats) to the feeders and they chase off the birds I want to feed. So anyway, it has been cold lately, dark early and I haven't been able to practice as much as I want too. I came up with a new practice routine. I get my 60# bow and put a judo point on one of my arrows, open the kitchen window and wait for the sky rats. I was getting pretty good so I got a little cocky and started to shoot them while they were on the feeders. That had an element of risk in that, if I hit the feeder it would be an expensive miss, either the feeder or the arrow may not like it very well. Of course, you know what finally happened. That clang! sound. The feeder barely moved so I knew I was safe there but when I got close to the arrow I was wondering how I could see the fletched end in the sno over there while I could see most of the shaft over here LOL. $10.00 miss but it was worth it . I will be Gracklin' some more :d .
LMAO!!!!! Thats a great idea!!! I think I'm going to open my son's bedroom window in the loft and crack a few tree rats..... SB
I shoot starlings from my kitchen window. You may want to check your regs about grackles. Grackles are federally protected migratory birds. No different than shooting a cardinal in the eyes of the federales.
I checked and you are correct, the only unprotected birds are the house sparrow and the starling. Good thing we have plenty of starlings LOL. Thanks for the heads up.
Got one, but it's not half as fun as the bow and I needed the practice. I'll just wait 'til they are on the ground. Less expensive that way LOL.
Reminds me of when I was in my early years of shooting. I would walk around the yard and wait for birds to land and shoot at them. I about crapped myself whenever I actually finally hit one. I was probably only about 10 years old. Man... 10 years have passed since then already lol...