What website do you use to find the most accurate coordinates to program into your Gps? I have a few spots picked out on some public land in Ohio I will be hunting and wanted to go ahead and mark the spots on the GPS but I get different coordinates on different sites? I am a Rookie witha GPS as I am borrowing one off a buddy, so it may be best for me to get it and practice with it a little bit before I worry about this too much??
I don't think so. Not with the free version anyway. I just grab the Lat. Lon. from the bottom of the screen and plug it into my Garmin.
And vice versa, I plug any waypoints back into GE. Then I have all my stand locations, marked deer sign, property lines etc. all on G.E.
I have ACME Maps pulled up alongside of Google Earth and if I scroll over a certain location they both give me different coordinates!???? I am trying to figure out which one is the "Most" accurate?? I guess I can get the Gps off of my buddy and try both coordiinates somewhere here locally to find out??? I just figured I would check here first!! Thanks!!
MyTopo maps also give a different coordinates?? I will just have to get the Gps and try out the different coordinates and see which are more accurate?? Thanks!
Stick with google earth. It is about as accurate as it gets, There were problems in Iraq with Insurgents using google earth coordinates to guide rocket attacks
Is it a different format of coordinates? How differing are they? Are you zoomed in as far as you can go to the exact location, to the best of your ability?
Ok Thanks again guys!! I have been starring at maps for a little while now and realised that the coordiantes are really not that far off! It's just that some sites are more precise with the mouse pointer then others!! Dohh stupid me, but I think I got it all figured out now!! Thanks Again!!