I had the Diamond Rapture Lite all set up for her only to discover that she's RH and Left eyed. I don't know why it wasn't the first thing I checked but it took me the a while to figure out why her form was so goofy looking to start with. Turns out she was trying to look through the peep with her left eye! She has a new LH Diamond Razor Edge on its way. The weather was crap out so we shot from in the house. She's all fired up on going bowhunting, so much so she wants to go NOW! I've talked her down and she's going to come on her first deer hunt with a rifle next month. (She was scary deadly with a rifle the next day, even outshooting me, and I'm no slouch with a rifle.) We'll work on the bow shooting in the meantime and have her ready for bear next spring and for elk in the fall. (Make room for one more Will!) Josy likes deer meat and now, no deer is safe!
Is she going on the August hunt with you and your friend that lines up with the second half of our trip? Good luck to her, and you. Three weeks today and I am heading your way!
That's the plan except that she'll be packing a .30-06. Damn it, now that I think of it all I'm going to be packing is deer! Hopefully I get a chance to stick at least one P&Y buck. I'll get her to shoot all 3 of her bucks the first day, I'll bone and pack them all the second day and then I can hunt the rest of the week.
Rob, You skunk! Here I thought you were some weathered, adventure driven, man, living off the land from your igloo in Alaska. For-going the comforts and pleasures that us on the mainland live! There was no mention of Gorgeous Girls and less than cave-man surroundings!! Hell, you ain't trading off anything...what are the downfalls of living there???? oh yeah you only get to golf like a month and a half every year ..... Ha so there! !
Actually we get to golf 10 months of the year but it's only a 9 hole course and if your ball goes in the brush you leave it; no sense getting in a pissing match with a ticked off 1500# toothy critter over a golf ball! It is called Bear Valley Golf Course after all...
Very cool. My Mom has an '07 Diamond Edge and loves it. I have heard nothing but great things about the Razor Edge.
You are my hero! The bowpress in the living room, 3d targets off the porch and your gorgous girlfriend shooting her new bow out of the back door. I mean, thats living right there!
No kidding!!! How'd you get so lucky Rob?? Just giving you a hard time Rob!! Kinda!! Great pics and It's damn good to see you have yourself a hunting partner!! Good luck to you both, should be a blast!!
Lookin good...everything:d 2 questions for you. What is that standing outback behind the deck (not there in 1 pic but is in the other...unless slightly different angle) 3D's or animals, and is that rainwater making your deck look like that or is it stained and sealed with many layers:d Looks like my hardwood floors
I'm going a bedded deer and caribou target :D I noticed the deck as well, but then I saw that the top rail was wet, and in the close up of the bag you can see the water. Definitely a man cave! Very cool Rob and congrats!