I realize that the mount is not hanging in the right place. With the two other deer towering over him, he looks small. What the hell? He is small compared to those other two! Anyway, it's just a temporary spot that I removed one of my other mounts from. The mount is a variation of a full sneak. This deer looks way better mounted than he did alive! My Taxi did a great job of stitching up a nasty gash that he had from eye to eye. It was cut down to the bone and infected. Here he is....
It turned out great Greg!! I cant remember, is that the buck you had an encounter with the year before?? They all look great
Awesome deer, awesome mount.. I remember the infamous pose with that deer :d ... Hey I thought it was original
I was wondering if you were able to use the cape from that buck. You're right the taxi did a good job fixing him up. Looks !!
He don't look small to me!! Awesome job on the mount Greg and congratulation's once again on a great buck!!
Greg - only at your house could a deer like that look "small." LOL Awesome mounts Gregster. Awesome deer. Not sure if it's just that you always seem to choose traditional poses and shoot your deer at a time when their coats are just right... But your mounts always look great. I'm a huge fan of the traditional looking mounts, and you have some great ones. I tip my cap bro. Shoot another one this year.
Guys, Thanks for the comments. Bloodcrick, I did have 1 encounter with this deer the previous year. 24 yards facing me... I couldn't do it! Quicksilver, was that a typo!!?? Did you mean a tip of your crown?? I'm honored (and not worthy!) Bowmanaj, That certainly was an original pose! There was some stiff competition from the last couple of years.... Germ, Mobow and Justin to name a few, all great hunters and deer. Thanks again, Guys!
My daughter looked at the photo and said that's ugly,I just about slapped her for you Greg,that is a beautiful deer.