Ossage:D Just about to debark it and seal the ends up. It should make some nice lams and riser material.
I ready for another build-a-long when the time comes...curious - is Oak and other hardwoods too stiff for bowbuilding? Curious what local woods in IL would work...
Matt. Oak is a good bow building wood. Just about any wood can be used for lams in Glass bows tho. It's gonna take about 8 months or so for the Ossage to be dry enough to use.
Joe. Here ya go. I left the sap wood onto try and stop some checking. There is some of it thats gonna be unusable but thats ok. I just got an email telling me where there is a heap of Oak that's been downed so I will head out in the morning with a chain saw and get some. Not sure if it is Red Oak, Blackjack or Scrub Oak but what ever it is I will some:D
So you let it dry like it is for a while or do you cut it up? My new bow thats coming has some Osage it in, can't wait for it to get here!
Joe. Keep your nose out of Steve's business:D But if you really must know I sent Steve some felt to put under his limbs:p