Long story short, we had a messed up weekend. Drove 5 hours South to meet up with Dan and Johnny only to find out our "creek" was totally flooded and we couldn't get into our hunting spot. So we packed back up and headed 3 1/2 hours North to our other lease in NW IL to meet up with fulldraw (Brian) and his buddy Wayne. After a hectic get-ready session we finally got our stands hung and in position around 4:30. Had deer in the field from 5:00-ish until dark. This big doe made the mistake of coming a bit too close and I let her have it. Hit was a bit far back but took out the diaphragm and center punched the liver. She ran about 80 yards up the hill and never made it out of the bean field. This was the first deer I ever shot with a mechanical broadhead - shooting the NAP Spitfire MaXX 1 3/4" cutting diamater. Not a huge hole on the way in, but a heck of a hole on the way out. Complete pass-through shot. The only bad part was the 1/2 mile drag through a muddy bean field. Thanks to Mike, Brian, and Wayne for the help! Video should be posted up hopefully tomorrow or Weds at the latest. The same night within about 15 minutes of each other fulldraw and Todd Graf also killed does. Brian was on the same farm about 300 yards away hunting the same bean field, Todd was on his property about 10 miles away. All three were taken on film and recovered the same night. It was a bad day to be a doe in NW IL!
Way to get in on the Doe action. Congrats on a large Doe Congrats to Brian and Todd on thier does also.
Cool...... The deer out there look soooo much different than those that live here on the East Coast....Wow..
Thanks guys. She was by far the biggest of about 6 does that were in front of us, which is why I shot her. I was actually going to take the first in the line but Mike wanted me to hold out for her. She was the 3rd in line so I had to let two pass before I got a shot. I'm a little peeved with my shot placement even though she didn't make it very far. Even though I was at full draw for what seemed like forever, I still should've done better. I will be out shooting as much as possible this week, just to make sure things are dialed in. Don't want this happening again.
What broadhead did you end up using on her? Did you use the bloodrunner? I've seen a couple of small reviews on it but would like some more! I got to test out the slick tricks and now I've got to decide if I want to try out the rages or bloodrunners next.