I have shot 2 deer with Rage 2 blade and they did really good. I am shooting Magnus Stinger 2-blade this year and they are really accurate. Holds a really good pattern out to 50 yards, I haven't tried any further than that. I can't wait to try them on deer! Hopefully Saturday morning I will find out how they do!
g5 montec and g5 t3 are both great !! Both left a great blood trail and 7 out of 8 deer fell within 40 yds. Last season I shot grim reapers and they were great also (3/3 deer down within 40yds) but my local bow shop was sold out of them this year so I went to Wal-Mart and got some carbon express torrid ss broadheads for $12.99 !! I killed 2 does and a buck the opening week and they both fell within 20 yards so I will probably shoot them again next year.
I shoot 100gr. 2" cut Swhackers and love them. Taken 5 deer with them this year and 3 fell in their tracks. Blades might bend when they hit bone...but don't break. Nasty blood trails on the two that ran for about 20 yards or so. Then when use Muzzy Mx3's for a fixed blade and they seem to do very well, but after using Swhackers not sure i'll shoot the Muzzy's much anymore.
Forgot my broad heads one hunt and a friend let me use his 125g Vortex BH and it worked fantastic on a nice boar hog. Went to order some for myself and the company went out of business
I have been using 125 Grain Slick Tricks (Magnum) this year and they fly good and are shaving sharp out of the package. I usually shoot fixed blade heads, but if I was to shoot a mechanical I would use the NAP Killzone, due to them being very sharp (Shaving sharp) (unlike Rage or Swackers).
Sharp, accurate, solidly assembled is what counts. I love Muzzy 125 4 blades. I shoot other heads from time to time but nothing has performed any better than Muzzy for me. Slick Tricks are pretty awesome too! I have shot a few expandable heads with great results too. They all work great if they are accurate, sharp and stay together. I avoid any head that relies on the arrow to hold the blades in place.