I was watching hunting shows yesterday and there were like three shows in a row where they were hunting down in Texas, now every time you watch a show about Texas they make sure to point out we our down here to shot a great managment buck?? Does anybody go to Texas and say I want to shoot the biggest buck on the farm?? Now I relize it means you have to pay more but man they must have a ton super bucks running around down there because you never see anybody shoot one of those!! There I feel better now!! Sorry.. Walt
I was watching a show last night and was thinking the same thing. I concluded that a lot of the guys who are filming and shooting management bucks are getting the hunt free. The "outfitter" will give them a hunt, but won't let them shoot a trophy buck. I was also watching In Pursuit with Greg Miller last night and he was in Kentucky. After he killed his buck, his camera man was hunting for one of two "management bucks." Well, in walked a slammer and he couldn't shoot it. I was hoping the "management buck" mentality was going to stay in Texas......I was disappointed. Don't get me wrong, I love Greg and his show, I just think the term "management buck" is a joke.
Dan, I saw that same show yesterday! What a drag that would be not being able to shoot! I like his new show, for now at least! Its a show on my list that I can actually watch, and its a short list!
I'm not big on watching shows about management hunts. I'm more interested in shows on hunting and killing top end bucks and how they achieved it. I guess if it weren't for management hunts, there would be less than half the shows on TV.
I'll say it. I'm not a big fan of ANY Texas hunting on t.v. Just don't like the way they do it 99% of the time. I'm glad they CAN, as I wouldn't want to take that right away from anyone, but it certainly doesn't trip my trigger.
I have seen alot where you can go and kill both a trophy and a management deer, maybe they couldn't get on a trophy and killed the management deer for the footage? I kinda like the idea of getting two bucks out of the trip.
I inquired about a trophy hunt on a highly managed ranch in S. Texas. i was told that to kill a 180 class buck it would cost me $25,000. Of course that would include lodging , and taxidermy . I didn't think I heard them correctly. Alas, I did hear them correctly. I then asked about a managment buck. $5,000 for a management buck in the 135-140 range. I won't be going!
I agree as well. I also don't like to see a different price tag for a non management buck. These guys sit in a tree actually more like a huge shack and if a 200" buck walks out and they don't have the dinero for it, they cannot shoot. Comon. Why even call it a management buck, it's degrading that beautiful animal and most of them are better than most of us get.