Start my new job on Friday. I hate being the new guy... Everyone stares at you like you have antlers (not in a: OMG! look at the nice buck way either.. more like the: what the hell is that?) Then there is the whole "gotta ask for help stage" and my favorite... the "i don't know the way we do it here" stuff that no one seems to tell you, and you again look like an idiot. But its a job and I'm very glad to have one during all this craziness. Plus its going to give me some more time in the woods. Am i missing any new job stages? Its been a while since I've been the FNG. Have a great week everybody!
Congrats on the new job. I am doing the same thing next monday. I decided to take the week off to relax before starting! Thankfully I am doing the same exact job that I have for the last 5 years but with a different company. I am really trying to go in with the attitude that I am "THE MAN". I know the job so just let me do it and stay out of my way!! Good luck hope it goes well! What are you going to be doing?
Thnks for the congrats... 88, goodluck... i know there out there ya just gotta look under a few rocks.