After getting soaked on a couple of sits this year I decided to pick one of these things up. They were on clearance at Wal-Mart for $7 so what the heck. Have any of you tried one? Is it worth a flip? Will it keep me relatively dry? Will it get me busted? Why is the camo on top instead of on the bottom?
yes Jeff it is designed to also be a ground blind. I may use it turkey hunting tis spring. Thanks guys for the replies!
I've used the old ones, Buckwing brand I think. They are awesome, only thing I don't like is the noise the rain makes hitting the umbrella. I tried to see if I could hear it from the ground and didn't think it was noticeable though so maybe it won't bother the deer's hearing. Anyone with any thoughts on this? Mine is faily sturdy too. I left it in my stand overnight one time and it got covered with about 3" of snow. Looked wrecked but I shook the snow off and it was good to go. It might not open hardly as tight now but I've used it for about 3 or 4 seasons. I't good to stay dry!!! Be cautious about leaving your mounting arm screwed in the tree though. They get really hard to remove. I had a Gorilla bow holder arm that looks like the same style as the umbrella mount, left it in the tree for a couple of weeks and when I removed it the screw part stayed in the tree! lp