A friend and I just made our first hunt with the gorilla sticks. GREAT product IMHO. Maybe a little heavy for you guys that make a long haul to your hunting area, but are not bad to me. I bought the scout stand at the same time and am EXTREMELY happy with it. It does have a small platform, but I don't mind that and knew it going in. The seat is comfortable and stand is stable in a tree. Made 5+ hour sits in it multiple times this weekend and never got uncomfortable. Best part is it's only 9#. A breeze to put up and move around. What I'm is that I am very happy with both purchases and would order another set up right know if the wife would allow. Just sayin.
Justin did a video review of the sticks a few weeks back and they look pretty good. And I checked them out at Cabela's last time I went. They look pretty nice. Glad to see you had a good experience with them.