Thanks Ferg for the invite. Colder than a ....................., but had a great time seeing some of the folks from Caught absoulutely nothing and it was minus 5 this morning. This may just be the the pre-gtg, gtg. Ferg I will take my winnings in $100 increments.:d And Raceway, Walmart rules.
You cheap bastards, did you all get your ice-fishing gear from WALMART today??? Sorry I didn't make it but the wife went Nuclear after I got back from class and demanded I take her to dinner since we haven't spent any quality time together.
Raceway, what do you think, Hank and I each went to WalMart. TWICE. I went once and bought some food cause it is cheap, and then we went together and bought more fishing stuff. Thought you would want to hear about all the great times at the WalMart.
Thanks Ferg, I enjoyed meeting everyone and even though the fishing was a bust, I had a great time. We should do it again.
SISSY!!!!!!!!! We all know that your wife only lets you have the pants for a few hours at a time, just to keep you from feeling bad
Hopefully they will have a Sams Choice branded line of bowhunting products out for you guys soon, hell the Devil might even sponsor you guys to keep your costs down')
Gents it was great to meet and see some of you again. The tournament will still go on again today but I have no idea what the current biggest fish is. I came home about 8:00 laid down for what I thought would be a few minutes and here I am now. Hank btw great chili I loved it. Shaun the Buffalo burgers melted my butter. With all the food there is was incredible and I hope we get something like this at the GTG in June. Isiah good times man and Cole (Frog_Slayer) really enjoyed you and thank you for helping us out on that ladder game. Also thanks for sneaking that bears cup in when when you offered that shot to me. lol Last but not least Thank You Ferg for great time. That Apple Pie cider sure did me in. Here are some pics from the great gig on the ice. T Isiah and John and just totally freaky. Ferg and Logan Isiah, peakrut, madhunter, and in da woods. Frog_slayer and Isiah with a little ladder action Isiah's girlfriend rubbing in the bears on me. I will had more pics later from my cell phone
Is that your sled Ferg? I had an MXZ 670 some years back that looked like that sled you are riding. Isiah doesn't look as mean as Ferg painted him out to be, from what I was hearing he sounded like a monster of the Midway, but then again the Bears aren't as mean as people make them out to be Sorry I wasn't there to have your back Peak, Packers 4 Life! If they are still out there today I might call Mechdoc and see if he wants to run up there to see the guys and rood Fergie on!! Called but the Fergie Fone went to VM.
No he did not, his drive would of been longer then he thought especially for 08:30 PM. Told him pretty much the ice fishing party had shutdown and heading over to the association party of course once I got home and my head hit the pillow I was done.
Racewayking when the WI DNR were chatting with us someone made the comment how bad Blago is and the Agent stated our Gov is even worse but just hasn't been caught YET. I can't wait until this happens. Peace Bro! T
We were driving out of the club in Waterloo and decided to make the drive, we said what the hell lets do it. 2 minutes later peak sends a text saying that everybody was packing up, I called him and he said it was pretty much over! Kinda bummed, I hoping to make it down one of these days, I'm thinking a Coyote hunt?????
Hey now! That's not true. I am the man of the house and wear the pants in the famlily. She just tells me which pair to put on!:d