High Germ....nice fleece.....you suck......I work.......you hunt......you suck......be there in 7 hours.......kisses.
Good luck (and thanks for the friendly reminder that I have to work today) ...I'm tellin ya - that live feed idea would gather an audience
Mornin Gary! No deer sightings yet here .... but its in the 20s and light wind...crunchy ..perfect wind
im so jelious of you guys ....every day i see you in the stand when im at work...dont you guys work? hahah...or is that your work..being in the woods
Good luck and thanks for the update but..... Put your facemace back on and hunt instead of taking mug shots and rubbing it in.
I saw 3 bucks this morning and 11 does and fawns. 2 young bucks and one decent one, but he was too interested in chasing does. Wish I were still out there but I have to take my daughter to school. Any sightings of the Big 10 recently?
I saw a big buck chasing a doe this morning.150 yards from my stand tried to grunt him to me no luck.Going back out now.
great looking Predator gear Gary, looks familiar! I am out the door in 45 minutes, got a date with a big whitetail! LOL have fun today