OND, I use a bow sling often when elk hunting. The sling I have is the style with loops that go over the cams. The sling loops appear to be made of nylon and are flat/rectangular shaped, the edges are very abrasive. The part of the nylon loops that sat against my bow string did the same to mine, started showing quite a bit of fuzzy's/fraying on the string after only a couple hunts. As a quick fix to try at elk camp, I wrapped the nylon straps on the sides that made contact with my bow string with electrical tape. The fraying instantly stopped. I have just left the electrical tape on since it stopped it so well. It looks pretty redneck, but stopped the fraying instantly. My new bow with a brand new string on it shows zero fraying after a season of using the same sling.
This is exactly what the primos bow sling is. When not on the bow, the elastic in it has it bunched up in a ball. It works quite well but need to use the bungees on the end along with the snaps. Otherwise your bow could take a 20ft tumble to the ground while climbing with it. Ask me how i know
I'll tell us if you've ever tried to maneuver through buck thorn in the dark....That thing could be priceless for your bow along with eye goggles and ear protection. Yes sir try getting one of those 3 in. Daggers in your ear....
I had my string damaged and peep sight popped out by a locust thorn. The reason i bought this thing! It really is nice for the pricepoint. There may be better ones out there but i love mine. Only use it when the situation warrants it but im glad i have it
Well the best solution is to use a hard plastic bow case and pull the bow out once you are at the location. It will protect your bow. Once you are at the spot just carry it by the grip . Unfortunately the material used for cables and string is not that abrasive resistant. The advantage of hard case is that you are sure that nothing will get nocked off and once out you can just shoot with confidence.
I actually do have a soft sling case for it though it's not something That can be just folded up and put away and is another scent carrying mass. That said...why didn't I think of that for walking to the blinds..duh...lol
I read everything again. Im on the same page now. I had a crossbow years back so i know what you mean. If you are thinking about a tubing, look at poly-flow. Its for pneumatic applications. Used on alot of machinery at my work. Has more of a rigid wall. Comes in rolls so once you get the “memory” out of it, it will straighten out. This price is for a whole 500ft. Roll. You should be able to get what you need for a few bucks.