So tell me your thoughts..... I have a real issue with string wear/fray not from shooting but from carrying in hunts. I hold my compound so this probably wouldn't work ..I couldn't remove it fast enough. To that I sling my compound. Walking with a slung over my shoulder the strings rub and fray. A solution to this popped into my brain while walking today. Get the correct size of heat shrink tubing slice open one side and pop it over the string before slinging it over my shoulder. Once set up just remove and pack away until your done hunting and put back on for walk home or to car.
Might be quicker and easier to install a split pipe wrap or a pool noodle cut to length. There is no structure to heat shrink, so would probably fall off the first time it gets rubbed.
use a BOW SLING that covers the string/cable like a Primos sling does .... also WAX the thing ... I hand carry mine by the string or arm carry like a rifle .. I also keep my WAXED, no problems... find an alternative carry method ...
I do carry my compound in by the serving. My crossbow is way heavier and takes off my balance walking in these hills. I also need hands free when crossing creeks (especially near the wateer fall section),,or going over clumping grasses.
My bows never leave the house that they aren't waxed thoroughly waxed and I always carry a tube in my pocket. I've seen the the bow sling, have a freind that loves his. I haven't seen that for a crossbow. The crossbow is my biggest issue on string rubbing.
I thought about that and thought that those small tomatoes vine clips on the wrapped part of string would hold it over the vulnerable section.
I should mention I rarely stalk in during day light....All that does is push deer to the guys lining my borders which are many.
leave me out of this. But I can tell you for a fact I don't fall off when rubbed. Well, not at first anyway. How about this?
That's great and similar to what friend has.That said, the cross bow is my biggest issue because I sling it with a rifle strap due to heaviness and size walking through brush I the dark. Just one side frays hard against my coat as I walk. Thanks for looking that up.
Gotcha. You never said anything about it being a crossbow. You mentioned a compound a couple times, so thought thats what this was for. Might want to edit your original post.
you seem like a pretty handy person- cut the sleeve off an old coat or heavy shirt and slide it over the limb, fasten the end closest to the riser with buttons or whatever works best.
What about something like a big shower cap? From a lot of what you post it looks like most of your entries are on well maintained trails. Something similar to a shower cap like appliance covers or something similar in fashion. Modify an old bed sheet with the elastic edges? Always something out there that can be repurposed to fit a need.