This buck was found dead about 10 miles west of our farm. It was found by a family friend, with two rifle wounds in the rear hams. Here are a few pictures. It was brought to me to score, and to give it to my best friend who does Euro mounts. I will post the score when I get around to it. Thought I'd share. He has good tine length, and carries his mass all the way out. A shame he had to die and not be recovered.
Too bad he wasn't recovered. Nice to see that MN still has big bucks around. Where I live nobody seems to practice deer management so big bucks are hard to find. Great pics
Man that is a nice one. I don't understand why people shoot but then don't track. I was out hunting a couple of weekends ago and came across a blood trail that looked fairly new. Maybe the night before or that morning. So just out of curiosity I started tracking. Found where it bedded down, but to my surprise no human prints following this thing. It went across a highway to a pine woods section. From there I stopped because I had to set up a hunting blind for me & my son that afternoon. But I just don't get it. You shoot it, but don't look for it? What the heck is with that? I always assume people looked for what they shoot.