Self reporting is plausible under those circumstances but for the same reasons I would triple check to make sure I have all the proper tags. I would also have to ask how he discovered he didn’t have the proper tags after hunting. Who checks to make sure you have the proper tags after hunting? The only time I get my tags out after purchasing are to put them on a deer. Did I pass the Q test? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Well done, you're in! Welcome to the team. We meet Wednesdays at 7 on 4chan. Due to COVID restrictions, there is no longer punch and pie. FWIW - I too find it interesting that he didn't realize he was missing a tag at the time. Using the "I'm under investigation I better make sure I'm playing by the rules" assumption, you would think that checking before the hunt would be a smarter play. But hey, what do I know?
LOL. I get it man. I normally have a good sniffer for stale fish, and this guy is way past 3 days old. Unless he was sure he was already caught, there is no way he was going to draw more attention to himself. Also, I'm sure 0317 would be happy to provide you a solid reference to join Qanon. Probably be able to skip the test completely.
I sit on the board of Qanon if you need a sponsor or endorsement, it may help speed up your admittance. We're a just but fair group. Some people aren't good test takers but still good people and we recognize that.
He’s putting out fires with a post to IG as well.... probably figures since he “turned himself in” it might help the Nebraska situation I mean if a person would turn themselves in, they surely wouldn’t knowingly break the law,..... Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk I don't know much about the Bowmar's, but after reading all of the grand jury allegations it appears its all about illegal baiting with Hidden Hills outfitter. I would venture to say if they already successfully prosecuted 30 people within Hidden Hills hunts, including the owner of Hidden Hills who received a 2 1/2 year prison sentence, it's highly likely someone would be able to cut a plea deal to snitch on Bowmar, if in fact he did hunt illegally. The prosecution already has a mountain of evidence, so why not go after the Bowmars too. Scorched earth. Which I'm fine with, a corrupt outfitter needs to be hammered. But I do think because Bowmar has taken a couple 200 inch deer, and put them on Youtube, if there is any amount of possible violations, they are going to throw the book at him. If Bowmar is shady and intentionally violates game law, then suspend his license and make an example out of him. Just make sure you're going after all the local trash hunters who gun hunt during bow season and hunt without a license as well. There's plenty of them out where I'm at.
They will disappear for a year, find jesus, and accepted back into the fold. These people are going to completely destroy hunting for all.