The way they explained it to me was barefoot was a safety thing to protect my foot in a wreck, which in my opinion is pure BS. A pair of flip flops would've saved me $210 but not my feet in an accident. But, now I know. I keep an extra pair of crocs along with my spare clothes. BTW, I've had one of those drive home in my bday suit deals myself. The day after this past Thanksgiving I returned to Chevy but just put 197k miles on a Dodge Ram. Only took two engines and three transmissions to get there but we did. Anyways that Ram had cloth interior that would stain from a rain drop or the condensation that dripped off a soda bottle. Never seen anything like it. That was the truck I was in when I got the barefoot ticket as well. So in that truck if you were wet, sweaty, etc you were in for a mess. We had a 3D shoot and halfway thru the course I was about as far away from the parking lot and club house as you could get and it went from sunny to drop dead thunderstorm in seconds. Taking the trails would've taken forever so I decided to cut across thru the woods and hit a spot unpassable and had to backtrack and take the trails. I was drenched. No towel or spare clothes. I drove home nekkid. I called my wife and told her when I got home to meet me in the driveway with clothes so I could get in the house. I told her I got mugged and they stole my clothes. I was kidding with her but forgot to tell her I was kidding and when I got got home and she walked up to the truck she yelled. "OMG! You did get mugged! They took your clothes?!" The look and expression on her face was hilarious, I laughed so hard.
I'm not sure who you are - but if your first and only post here is to try and smear someone for a ticket, I will be banning your account when I'm done with this post. At some point in time I wish people would find more constructive ways to use their time than looking for faults in others. But alas, I fear that will never happen. We have devolved into a culture of mean people.
Justin, if someone is going to be an ambassador to a sport or art or whatever it might be.......they are held to a higher standard. If someone is going to make a living from outdoorsmen, they need to toe the line and set a good example. When someone like Spook or now the Bowmar's find themselves in trouble over and over again, the average hunter deserves to be informed so they can make their own decisions on financially supporting or not supporting that group or individual. Pointing out a public record guilty plea for a game violation is not a smear, it is information. It's no different than watching the evening news, but this stuff is never going to pop up on the news and social media is the only alternative to keeping everyone up to speed. I'm certainly not looking for faults, but I definitely wont ignore them either. People are spending hard earned money to support personalities and products and they deserve to know the truth. Once violation is not good, but it happens, when a pattern forms it might be time to make some decisions.
fletch - I agree with what you're saying. I also feel that if your only purpose for signing up on a forum is to immediately post something negative about another person without any context or the ability for them to respond, then you're not a productive member of our community. As the fine folks on "The Bachelor" are fond of saying, "You're not here for the right reasons.". I also hope that at some point in life we stop worrying about judging others so much and worry about becoming people humans. Kindness, empathy, compassion, are all things that are sadly lost in the modern world.
Justin, the clevergirl joined the forum over a year ago so it wasn't a join and smear hit job. Then again it was their first post. Agreed there are some mean people around here.
It’s your forum and you can do whatever you want just like Twitter and Facebook. Both of which I deleted for suppressing freedom of speech. Telling the truth isn’t a smear. I’d like to see some verification that it’s the same Josh Bowmar and not someone with a similar name. I think you let your emotions get in front of being rational. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Home run right there brother. However, I also have to pause and realize that accountability does not have to be an either / or type of thing with being kind, empathetic or holding compassion. My parents at times in my life were ANYTHING but empathetic to me or one could argue had any compassion for me in how they held my feet to the fire, especially my own decisions. In the same breath even further though, a stiff argument could be made it was their empathy towards me and their love and compassion to me that kept them pushing their son when needed closer to the fire. I don't know....I just know I far too often swing from one side of the spectrum on this stuff and then back to the other...when I truly think the middle is where I need to settle. Acknowledging and giving both, never underselling or overselling either.
I just don't care enough about the Bowmars as to what happens to them..but geez, Mrs. Bowmar is a hottie
Curious, did you text him directly and get that reply? If so, seems like an honest enough mistake, and, IMHO a reason not to sell weapon specific tags and simply regulate weapon of choice by season dates.
Bought a "bunch of tags" on the 4th and our seasons close the 10th. And, didn't look at them to see that a minimum wage store clerk did everything correctly. Come on man, its your profession and you dont look at the tags!? I have never left the counter without looking to see that I got exactly what I paid for. I have caught mistakes several times. You are risking violations by not checking it out. And seriously, you are going to call the DNR to tell them that you sat in a stand without the proper tag? That statement is believable as CNN. No way.... Also, when you buy multiple tags in Iowa, they are printed in a continuous strip. No way to forget to print just one. You get them all or none. Way too many loose ends in this story, much like the Nebraska debacle.
I didn't contact him personally - just saw that posted on FB and figured it was applicable here. As for the loose ends Fletch - it's hard to know what to believe. However, it would make sense if you're under federal investigation for wildlife violations that you would self-report in the event you discovered that you did something wrong. You never know who is watching and they can be using these little whoopsies to build a bigger case against you. Of course, that's all just an assumption. I'm trying to increase my jumping-to-conclusions ability for my Qanon acceptance test.