I would have that Horton compound out and shooting.....you really aren't gonna lose much in the resale. Stick to you gut feelings on the X Bow issue. Don't compromise on anything when it comes to personal values.
don't look the gift horse in the mouth. take what u get & be grateful. there R others that would pay to be in your shoes. buy it, shoot it, sell it.
The chance to hunt great ground with good folks.. Go GO GO ...who cares what your hunting with that week. Bow, Cross bow, Muzzle loader, Rifle, etc.. have a great time.. add to the taxidermy bill and make some new friends.
Dude, I feel for ya. Gotta suck to be sitting "Second Fiddle". After your boss offered you the hunt as his first choice could not make it, he should stick with you even if the date changes. It's an integrity thing.