I have a Z7 Magnum and a Creed and I love them both. The Creed is one of the smoothest bows I have ever shot. I LOVE shooting it! I have the Totally Lost Camo Creed and it is So Cool. Shoot different Mathews and see what feels best to you.
Don't even consider brands/prices. It's hard to not notice and obviously your gonna know what bow company it is but just try to ignore it and shoot them all. Don't buy a bow because of its name but because of the comfort and what you are looking in a bow. Don't be focused on just shooting one company because you think there the best from reviews or because everyone shoots a particular bow from that company. Goodluck! Looking forward to what ever you decide on.
Good advice here. I have been through a few bows lately. Never thought I would own a bowtech but I do now. All great bows out there. Just get the one you like best
I have a Mission Ballistic and it is an awesome bow, smooth draw, and 330 IBO. It is basically a Mathews Monster Chill at half the price. I shot both side by side when making my choice and I actually liked the Ballistic a little better. I still really liked the Chill but I don't think that it's $400 dollars better than the Ballistic IMHO. Hope this helps. My buddy has a switchback that I have shot and it is a good bow too.
Absolutely true, a big name bow that you don't feel comfortable with is a pretty disappointing experience Sent from my HTC_PN071 using Tapatalk
Almost all of the big name companies are producing top of the line bows these days. Don't think you have to buy a flagship bow to get the best deal either, some of the best bows I have shot weren't the flagship bow. Find what feels the best, and shoot it.
I've shot Bear for 40 years. I've got a Whitetail, and 2 Whitetail II's in the closet. Just bought a Bear Crux last year. I love it.
When trying out as many bows as you can there are lots to consider. It's like buying a car. What do you want it to do for you and how much are you willing to spend. Do you like the weight, the feel of grip, the axle to axle (I like longer cuz I'm taller), the versatility of draw lengths/weights (this factors in to growing into a bow, having several options for draw weights and also think about resale), the overall appearance of the bow (do you like color, black, camo, etc.) is the riser attractive, do you like the back wall of the bow, do you want dual cam/solo cam, look at warranty, how well does accessories match up with this bow, and think about the draw cycle (is it aggressive, smooth, jumpy, spongy, etc). I definitely missed many more things to look at however you get the point. Find something that fits your needs, wants, and budget. Hope this helps! By the way I shoot a Mathews No Cam and this bow works for me!
Check out New Breed archery absolutely the best bows I have ever owned I have had them all from Bear to Matthew's none compared to New Breed smooth draw solid back wall great customer service an warranty an as far as the way they look here is my2015 Lycan
Yes, but there are a lot of us old guys getting back into the sport and looking for advise, so I found this thread........I think I'm going to look for a bow tomorrow!! It's rut season ya know