Hey Ya'll, It's AROD. I already know the answer to my question but I'm going to ask it anyway. I know that I want the BEAR OUTBREAK but I was just wondering what Ya'll have heard about the BARNETT HUNTER 45-60 LB. compound bow. I saw it at Walmart, bought it and took it back the next day for no reason besides I know BEAR makes some of the best bows ever. I never even took it out of the package. My 7 year old son, Isaiah thought it was cool because I bought him a Barnett Vortex 19-45 LB. compound bow that night and it looked just like his bow except it was bigger and the cams were Red. The bow is $200.00 and I know I can get a BEAR OUTBREAK for $100.00 more at Bass Pro Shop in Concord, NC. I am considering taking his Vortex back and getting him an APPRENTICE 2, that's what I'm going to get my 8 year old daughter, Chey for one of her Christmas presents. I just think that BEAR is a great bow and the limb pockets are a lot stronger, you can tell by just looking at them. Anyway, I need to get outside in the rain and finish up putting the fuel pump in Mee-Maw's car and then I'll put on my Mossy Oak Break-Up Infinity rain suit and go for a long ride on my 03 Harley Davidson V-ROD. When I get back I'll see what ya'll think but I'm sure that ya'll will have the same opinion as me on this one. Later Ya'll, AROD
If that is what shoots the best for you. Top bows that shoot great for me is the Mathews creed and bowtech experience. Best bows I have ever shot. If Bear is what you want then go for it.
Hey Slugger, I have only shot 3 bows in my life. I grew up shooting a red recurve bow, it was just a cheap bow my Daddy picked up for me to shoot around with. I hadn't shot a bow in about 24 years until last October when I bought my 1984 Hoyt/Easton Pro Hunter (RAMBO BOW) with all kinds of accessories and a hard bow case for $40.00. Everything looked brand new on the bow and the accessories had maybe been used once. I have to make a new serving for it. The only other bow I have shot is my sons Barnett Vortex 19-45 LB. bow set on 45 LBS. I just don't know much about the Barnett Hunter 45-60 LB. bow since it hasn't been out long but it seems to be a really nice bow, especially for $200.00! I know I can get the Bear Outbreak for $300.00. I like the adjustable bows because I have torn my rotator cuff in both arms and I'm right handed, which is the worse of the 2 shoulders. I've torn my right rotator cuff 3 times so if it is bothering me at least I know that with either one of the bows mentioned above at least I can drop the poundages and still practice. With my Hoyt it's 70 LBS. and last year I couldn't even pull it back due to a motorcycle accident. Just wondering if anybody knows anything good or bad about the Barnett Hunter? I may go purchase one tonight and check it out and if I don't like it at least I can take it back to Walmart and tell them the bow does not operate correctly and get my money back. I just know that Bear makes a good bow and I don't have a whole lot of money to spend on one, Christmas is just around the corner and my 2 kids deserve so much more than I do. Thanks for the input, sounds like I just need to try it out and go from there. Later, I think I'm going to load up my Harley with my fishing equiptment and go fishing! LOL!!! AROD
I think in the long run, you would be a lot happier with one of the Bears or something like a Diamond Edge (which is adjustable from 5-70lb).... Even PSE makes some bows in the sub $300 range that would probably be a better bow for the long run...
Thanks SouthDakotaHunter. I know in my heart that I would be a lot happier with a bow that I know is a good, quality bow. I don't much like my son's Vortex, I've had nothing but problems with it. I'm going to sell it, now that I have fixed all of the factory goof ups and the bow is top notch now and get him a Bear Apprentice 2 and get my daughter one as well! I have decided on the Bear Outbreak, I've heard no complaints about the bow and I have looked for months for somebody to complain about it. Can't find any complaints! I am sure all 3 of us will be happy! We'll, I just finished working on Mee-Maw's car and it's time to get my fishing gear packed up on my Harley, go to get a quick beer and a bite to eat, probably at HOOTER'S and go fishing!!! I need a good night to myself to just think about some stuff and hopefully catch some fish!!! Later, AROD
The amount of good bows put out by good manufacturer's in the 300 dollars range now a days is unbelievable. The only thing I know about that Vortex is that it is pretty heavy. If you've had problems with the first one and are hesitant on the second one, that sir is a clue. Good luck in whatever you chose and welcome back to archery.
Look at the new Mission bows. They are really awesome. If u cant afford the new ones, then look at the craze or riot. They are really good bows too.