Anybody else got these damn gnats around? I'm not talking about your ordinary gnats, these suckers crawl in your nose, eyes and ears constantly. They used to be in the country where I turkey hunted, but now they are around my house. It's a pain in the ass just to go outside. Don't even think about trying to shoot a bow outside. There is no way your are going to concentrate on shooting with these pests buzzing around and crawling in every oriface.:evil: And the Thermacell doesn't affect them one bit!
Gnats are pussy cats. Come up here in the land of Black Flies and misquitos. Black flies are just starting to kick in on the Tug Hill plateau. Another week or two and they can drive a person mad. Besides that, the little buggers bite, fly up your nose, in your eyes,ears anything exposed. They seem to thrive on most bug replellants. LOL Gnats are pussy cats. I've lived in gnat land and now live here again. You got it made. When the black flies start to die down the misquitos are still going and then it warms up and the deer flies kick in. They take a serious chunk of meat but aren't as swarming as the black flies and misquitos.
Buffalo gnats are not kitty cats. They suck... literally. In the late summer we get those biting midges which are truly evil little insects. I don't mind the plain old gnats. Don't like 'em but they don't bother me much. If you really want to experience bugs trying to get into any available orifice and whatnot... go out on a lighted boat when the stoneflies hatch.
Some bugs that found us when we were bowfishing. You have to turn off the lights and motor away to get away from them. They find you again pretty quick but eventually as the night goes on, they disappear. (a lot get cooked by the halogens too. The guys with fan boats get this great coating of ground bugs all over the back of thier boats.)
that is nuts. if that was me i would've hauled ass out of there haha. we dont really have gnats problem in MN but damn those moisquitos are everywhere might as well call them our state bug.
One thing I've done that helps a lot with gnats is pure cooking vanilla. Last year I played on a slow pitch softball team on diamonds by the river and gnats were EVERYWHERE! I used the vanilla and it helped a lot. It's up to you on how you want to do it. You can just use straight vanilla, or you can water it down a little bit too.