What’s the best fletching/vane glue you’ve found and why? Bonus points for clever tricks to help extend its life, once opened.
I'll have to check the brand, etc. and get back. FWIW, repaired a bunch of NASP arrows over the years and never had a failure.
I think the name, been a while, quick fletch. That said in a pinch I used gorilla glue and it actually worked great. As my hands worsened I bought vane sleeves and never had a flight issue.
Gorilla glue brand Gel super glue. Gel is important, it doesnt run off. Only had one vane fall off in about 4 dozen fresh arrows. Its a little more work to remove a damaged vane, have to scrape the glue off the shaft with a razor blade. Takes a little more time. Its cheap and available in just about every store. There is a pin built into the cap that keeps the spout clean. I can get almost 6 months out of a opeened bottle. Sent from my SM-S901U using Tapatalk
Blue top Gorilla super glue, regular, not gel.... put 3 drops on each vane, use a toothpick to spread.. using a Mini-Max EZ fletch for inserts, Bohning Insert Iron .. I like a slow cure so I can 'adjust' the insert/BH if needed, and I always do a final spin test before setting aside to dry