Darkbyrd--and there is at least a quarter of a million Americans that need our help. I understand your point however and commend you on being compasionate to other people. I swear I wish we could turn off the global funding to craphead countries/wasteful social programs and focus more of our efforts on our own people, many of which are struggling every single day.
VS - Thank you I said I was done, but one more thing: After reading back, I realize my mouth (sorry, fingers) got ahead of my good sense. It was not in my intention to insult anyone's religion or belief. If I did, please accept my sincerest apology.
really?? obama's administration has reserved the right to use 'special torture techniques'... whos to say they wouldn't??
I could use a little "Global Warming" in my stand this weekend. Below 0 during the nights and 5-10 during the day with blowing snow!