Yes, politicians are exploiting Global Warming and the Middle Class will suffer the most in the form of the "Cap and Trade" tax.
i really want to respond properly to this thread... but I don't have the time to write a small book.... but one thing I will say is this... its pretty damn arrogant of people to think that in only ~100 yrs of industrialization that we (humans) have had any substantial type of impact.... i see a distinct difference between a conservationist and an environmentalist.... and I just want to point out that right at the heart of environmentalism is the word MENTAL
Excuse me while I laugh! You'll trust a book that has been revised over a dozen times, written by MAN over 2000 years ago who were obviously more ignorant than the average person living today? Ok, I'll just leave it at that! When people will pull the wool away from their eyes and put aside their political and religious viewpoints you might be able to think for yourself. I'm thoroughly done with the conversation.
while i think that scientific disagreements need to leave religion out of it, after all, its not science, i hope you're not just dismissing religion on the whole... after all, like 95% of the worlds population holds some form of religious views... but that is a totally different conversation... putting religious discussion aside, I've yet to see any incontrovertible evidence from either side that anthropogenic global warming is real or imagined. the evidence is at best anecdotal on both sides... I agree that being good stewards of our environment is a naturally good thing, but I have a real problem with the fanaticism with which the environmentalist 'religion' has been pursued... it is very reminiscent of the spanish inquisition in its insistence on what it believes and very dismissive (if not outright denial) of any contravening evidence... people that disagree are dismissed and even persecuted by their majority... the similarities are scary... anything that has this wide reaching of implications to our world in a positive or negative manner should be researched scientifically and objectively... I see nearly zero objectivity on either side of this argument and that leaves most people with a bit of a conundrum to decide which is 'right'.... and in this case, a simple "follow the money" attitude makes a LOT of sense... Gore stands to make BILLIONS if cap and trade passes... figure out where their interests lie and you'll figure out who's spewing bullsh!t and who's not... so far I've found not one single piece of evidence that is not tainted in some manner... also, in this light, one question no-one is asking on either side is this........ IF GW is a natural cycle and not anthropogenic (man caused), what are the possible outcomes of us trying to stop something that is natural? no-one is considering the unintended consequence of possibly reversing/altering the natural flow of things... mostly where man has interfered with nature it has been disastrous in the past... what if making this change is actually what is causing the wild shifts in weather patterns and is driving us further to the edge?? not one single person is asking these types of questions.... skepticism is your friend on this...
I was watching a show on History channel that was talking about all of the changes the Sahara desert has made throughout history. They stated that at one point it was very wet, I don't remember all the specifics but that is the jist of it. If the Sahara desert once upon a time wasn't a desert and man was not around to pollute, WHO IN THE HECK DID IT?
Excuse me while I laugh! You'll trust a bunch of money hungry, power freaks, who are doing nothing but robbing you and everyone like you, blind? I will take the Word any day over that bologna. You obviously know nothing about how the original scriptures came about, so you have no authority there. If people don't pull the Political and Religious wool of our sparkling gov't and "scientists" off their eyes, they will remain ignorant and eventually be unable to make any decisions. Did not ask for an argument here, but it's obvious you are in the minority, so I will leave it at that.
Do you believe in biblical inerrancy? If so, watch this: if not, you should watch it also :D
The problem with that is the Old Testament was written for the nation of Isreal and NOT Christians.
It must be global warming that is causing this cold weather!!!.If you believe that then Global warming must be true.
Bobby: You have to look at this, empeircally (the way scientists do). If you can't prove a theory, it holds no water. "Faith" isn't emprical. I don't agree with everything "science" offers. But explaining "faith" to a scientist is an exercise in futility. My nephew can provide a strong case for the existence of the Easter Bunny.
The earth warms and cools every 20,000 years or so. We are warming now. Guess when the last earth age occured? Around 20,000 years ago. Scientists have seen these trends in glacial formations and rock formations for centuries. And on another note, I thought the Old Testament was written for Christians, since it was written by GOD himself...or am I wrong? Just like the New Testament was written by GOD himself via humans. Or am I wrong?
the entire bible is the "inspired word of god"... it was not actually penned by god, neither old or new tests...
I understand your point. I hear a ton of Christians, many of which come into the facility of which I work. They all say the Bible WAS written by GOD via humans. It wasn't "inspired", it was written exactly the way he wanted. Because if it were "just" inspired it could be debated. If it were written by GOD himself their is no debating. BTW, I am not arguing for or against the Bible, I am just trying to understand some points.
Umm, No, I don't. I prolly shoulda jest kept my ol country boy mouth shut. After all, I hate arguing about the Bible. Nothing there is debatable anyways as far as I am concerned. The Communist gov't can take whoever believes in this mess to the cleaners if that is where they want to go. I will continue on my merry way.:D
i was raised southern baptist, my dad is chairman of deacons at a southern bapt church down in AL... even he says inspired word of god... imho, there are colorings to the words because it did indeed pass thru man's hands to be written... yes, i believe it is open for debate to the true meanings, I think the multiple translations it has gone thru over the past 4000yrs has changed its meanings and yes the lessons in the bible are not readily translatable to modern times (which ever modern times your particular translation of the bible adheres to)... to me, the bible provide a general framework and each person has to decide what to take from it... at the absolute LEAST, even in the eyes of an atheist, the bible provide a framework for good moral living... even if you do not believe in god and the trinity, the bible is still good moral philosophy...