Hi folks I have a question on this style drop rest.I just bought a second hand genesis bow for my son and it has one installed on it.The problem is it folds down under the weight of the arrow when pulled back.is there any adjustment for arrow weight on these?It looks like the speed hunter by GKF.any help is appreciated.
It's been awhile since I used a Golden Key rest but I believe there was a way to adjust the spring tension on the rest so it would support the arrow better. If I recall there was a set screw of some sort that you could loosen up and then turn to increase spring pressure and tighten it back down. If you can post a photo of the rest on the bow we may be able to help a little better.
there is a spring for tension. Depending which model the rest is will determine how it adjusts. If you can post a pic we should be able to help better.