What do you guys think this buck would score. These are the only 2 angles I have of him at the moment. He has 9 points. 5 on his left, 4 on his right.
It's really hard to come up with a score from that angle but one thing is for sure...great looking rack on him.
if its a 5x4 it won't net score that great, although I myself don't worry about net! Thats a nice buck, looks like his G2's are 10-12 in?? I35-140 in.!?
nets are for fish that deer will score high 140's to mid 150's the g2 is about 10-12 inches alone and a mature deer has 100 inches of spread mass and main beam so guess the length of other points and add them to 100 and you will be real close to gross.