SPOONBILLS that is. My son and I were on our lease lake the other night Bowfishing and there were Spoonbill Catfish just under the surface in the deeper water all over the place. They look so Alien :D BUT they are game fish and not legal It sucks when a 50 pounder comes right under the boat and you cant do anything about it Does this apply to private lease ground ?(the rules and regs)
Never heard of a SpoonBill catfish before, But damn if you got 50 pounders me and caleb might have to come and so some catfishing:D
Yep. Spoonbills are a no-no for bowfishermen in IL. (no matter what water you're on) They are also a no-no for anglers except during a short season. (Page 5 of the fishing digest) They are not catfish and will not do not "bite" as they are fliter feeders. They are caught by snagging.
Spoonbill catfish.... also known as a paddlefish. (legal to shoot in KY, limit 2 per day) If Indiana is anything like Illinois then even on a private lake, it would be illegal to shoot the spoonbills. In IL you can dig a lake on your own land, stock it yourself and you still have to abide by the statewide fishing regulations.
That is true. They busted a bunch of guys down on the Ohio River that were illegally catching and taking the caviar from these fish a few years back. It was a pretty big operation and they made a lot of money if I remember correctly.
Thanks for the info guys/gals, I didnt know they were not really a catfish. I did know that they do not bite on bait and are filter feeders. It was neat watching them with mouth open and gill plates flared while swimming. Caleb, the lake is im guessing around 12-16 acres. There are some gaggers in there but many in the 20 lb range as well. Im still after my first grassie and have a grapple point this year to help eliminate pull offs like last yearIll try and gets pics of the SB's swimming next night venture out.
Ah, not missing out on much Crick, short of Bigheads, I can't think of anything that fights harder....and they are my number one favorite fish to boat... :D
Man im jelous of you two spoon bill weilding fishers :D I was trying to get pics of one the other night but everytime I started to get the camera they went under. One ran into the boat They seen kinda ablouvious <spelling< to there surroundings
He needs an arrow :D My brotherinlaw lives on a lake and said the grassies are thick. Me and oldest son are gonna help him in reduction soon