I'm having a bit of a debate regarding requesting extra time off form work. It is OK to ask your emplyer for an extra week off unpaid, beyond your regular alloted vacation time? My opionion is that all they can say is no. My girlfriend however feels that this is not a very appropriate request to make. So who's right? Me or her?
I wouldn't do it unless I had already used all of my allotted vacation time, and it was for something very important, you know, like turkey season.
If I was the boss, I would wonder what could be so important that you would be willing to miss work w/o pay. As a hunter, I understand the request...who knows, I'm sure many business owners would love to have their employees ask for unpaid time off :D . I say go for it!
Depends on your relationship with your employer. As a sales guy, I wouldn't ask for it unless I was well ahead of where I needed to be for the year. If things were slow and I were in a non-sales position, the boss might actually think it's a great idea. Just my thoughts.
Being a boss if we are slow there's no problem with someone taking a week off unpaid.If we are busy that's a whole nother story.
My buddy just got hire at a job, and asked the boss (who happens to hunt also) if he could have unpaid time off for a Canada trip he had planned before he got screwed over by his previous employer of 14 yrs. His boss said no problem. As long as you have been there awhile, and the trip is a big one, out of state/country, then all he can say is no. None worse for the wear.
Does someone else have to pick up the slack when you're not around? Kinda like what Rick James said, if you can work ahead or catch up after the fact i dont see it being a problem. Whats the worst they can say.
We have a big enough department, there are rarely critical deadlines,and me being gone would leave no one hanging. We aren't expected to be hit at much at all by the economic situation. I've been at this place 2 years now, and I had come from a job where I had almost 5 weeks a year and had to adjust to only getting 3 at this place and its not going very well. I can't do things the way I've been accustomed to & it really bothers me. If I was single, all 15 days would be for hunting, but its not really fair to her (or me) to give up other fun things in life. On top of it, my hours and location prevent any meaningful hunting afterwork on weekdays anymore. I don't think me asking can hurt anything, but then again I have a little different view on work/career than most.
Bring it up in a conversation. Be tactical about it. Mention that you would like to take some additional time during this time period, but you are not sure if you would be letting him down as an employee. Its all about tactics. I for one, can take whenever I want off. Its all unpaid. unfortunatly, I am the site supervisor, so he has to find someone that he trusts to put in my place for the time being. I also have a boss that is a hunter, and so is his boss. They understand why I want the time off. I almost never ask for anything from these people. I also ask way ahead of the time, just to keep it easier on trying to find someone to fill in (a month usually.) It really depends on the boss though. Mine are pretty cool guys.
I can't say for sure, as I will never be in that position as a teacher. I agree with what a few have said, and it would depend on your relationship with your boss. I'm not really sure I would want to approach this subject with only 2 years under my belt, but I think it comes down to the relationship you have with your boss.
It comes down the to the same thing that it always does, honestly is the best policy. Explain your situation/feelings. Make sure that you mention that you value your job and the job that you do and that if you thought it would affect the company negatively, then you wouldn't dream of it. He may just like the idea of saving the company x number of dollars.
I see no problem with it. As an owner of a small business I've been asked this before and had no problem what so ever In granting them there wish.
Like many have said it depends on your boss and your position. If I had any fears about the company being effected by the economy I wouldn't do it. You don't want them going "Oh yeah we gave that guy a week off unpaid and it really didn't hurt productivity too much, we can save money by trimming his salary out of the budget and we should be OK."
A have one full time employee and 2 part time guys that help out here and there. We put In about 105 to 115 hours a week so there's plenty of hours to go around. It sucks when you don't get no time off for a couple of weeks.