So I know alot of you guys on here dont know me, Ive only been on this forum for a few months since I got my first bow for my birthday in August. Ive been practicing almost everyday or every chance that I get getting my groups tighter and tighter. Nobody in my family has hunting except my dad when he was a kid, but never really got into it. So now that I got a bow, my in-laws got me in contact with one of their friends who is a big bow hunter and has been teaching me how to shoot better and is going to take me on my first hunting trip on their farm saturday! I have to say I feel like a kid on xmas the weather is supposed to be sunny with highs in the lower 60s so im hoping for luck! Just thought I would share! If we see or get anything I will post pics!
Hey man good luck thats awesome. Have fun and enjoy your time out. Soak up everything the guy tells. Especially on gutting and skinning.
Thats one thing ive been wanting to know, ive been watching youtube videos on it, but learn better hands on. So im hoping for the experience!
Best of luck to you! Regardless if you get one or not enjoy the outdoors and everything that is going on around you!
thanks guys, I know I will enjoy it. Just like fishing, Its nice to catch a fish, but even if I dont, relaxing is the best medicine for anything! I love being outside!
So about a half and hour before I was going to leave to meet up with my buddy to go hunting I got a phone call from him saying he couldn't go hunting. Totally bummed but not out. My in laws have a few acres so I took to the woods on the backside on their property and sat on the edge of a open field where they had cut down alot of trees a few years ago. Sat for about 3a hours and nothing. I know 3 hours is nothing and I would of stayed out longer but the wife was calling. To me it went by super quick. Had a good relaxing time anyways in the piece and quiet. Anyways this week I will hopefully be going out again after work!
So I went hunting with the buddy of mine that I was supposed to go with last weekend. We went out to his parents farm this wed. evening. Got setup about 530 he covered one area about 15 yards from the tree I was in. He spotted a Doe and fawn about 60 yards from our stands. I could hear the doe bleat a few times, but only came as close as 50 yards from us when the wind direction kept switching up and she ended up smelling us and turning around. Over all good evening and I got to actually see something haha. Looking forward to going out again next week in the morning!
That wind switching can be a pain. I have 3 places I can hunt and two out of the three, the wind always seems to change constantly like it is swirling around. Good luck and stay relaxed when those big ones come in.
Here's the advice I'll give: Safety first! It's the most important, and sometimes overlooked by new hunters. I can't speak for most hunters, but for me, just being in the woods is enough (usually). It's a chance to get away from the real world, and make time for peace and quiet. Sounds like you're going to get a chance to make a shot this year, so make it count! Best of luck to you this season, as I wish you a safe and successful one.
Safety is my number one. Everytime I get in my tree stand I attach my harness to the tree and move it as I climb up and tighten it back down. Same when im coming down. My job and things going on in my life are stressfull enough as it is, so to be able to just sit up in a tree in the woods with the peace and quiet is heaven to me. Seeing those deer really made me have a good feeling about this season. Educating myself and learning is on the top of my list, getting a deer would just make it better. Hopefully one day when my little girl is grown up I can teach her things I have learned.