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Getting Land Ready for Next Season-Looking for advice.

Discussion in 'Bowhunting Talk' started by MichiHunter, Nov 14, 2013.

  1. MichiHunter

    MichiHunter Weekend Warrior

    Aug 31, 2013
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    SE Michigan

    So my season is all but over on my personal property. I'll go hunt once or twice when the season starts back on Dec. 1, but for now my mind is wandering to what could be possible next year on my property. So I want to start putting a plan of action together. Let me give you the details of the property, and tell me what you think is possible.

    1. I personally own 10 acres. The land that I've marked as possible able to buy is an additional 12 acres. It's still not a ton of property, but as you can see it butts up against 100's of acres. I've been interested in that lot for a couple of years, and I was talking with the owner of the house on the left side of the picture, he mentioned to me that the owner bought a different piece of land and built a house, put this land on the market, and didn't get any takers. So I may contact him and see what he's asking.

    2. The blue marks are the prominent deer trails. The trail furthest east is the largest leading to/from the fields back to the bed.

    3. The small cabin to the right of the vacant land arrows is empty. (This was owned by the gentleman that I bought the property from. He died 6 months after finishing the house.) His kids come and stay occasionally, but they come from out of state.

    4. Further to the east (out of picture) is a land lease. Generally firearm hunters.

    So that's it in a nutshell. Here's what I'd like to attempt to do.

    Essentially make my property what the deer would consider a safe haven. It's heavily wooded, they already travel through, I've had plenty of opportunities to take 3 does from there this year but I've passed in hopes that if I possibly set up some troughs in the off season, do some trail manipulation by raking leaves and cutting trees to manipulate the path of least resistance. That maybe I'll be able to draw in some larger bucks because I'm treating the does right all year.

    At this point, I can see the does whenever I want. I've nearly got them on a pretty solid routine. However, I've only got a couple of pics of 2 small bucks this season.

    I'm looking for some suggestions, or is this just an exercise in futility because of the size of the property. I want to convince more deer to come to this portion of the land. What do ya think?

    SPOTnSTALK Grizzled Veteran

    Oct 21, 2013
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    No, no sound advice but that is awesome. Good luck and ya own it! Nice.

    SPOTnSTALK Grizzled Veteran

    Oct 21, 2013
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    Wait, .. start planting apple trees. Throw a feeder out, builda ground blind, corn, tree stands everywhere, then become a ghost. Keep the lanes open in and out. If they feel boxed I expect they will not come in close. Design funnels and pathways for easy access in and out and glass at a distance. Food and open access.
  4. bgusty

    bgusty Weekend Warrior

    Dec 25, 2012
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    Check out the website Ty has (username tynimiller I think). He has a lot of really good information on improving small acre hunting land.
  5. bgusty

    bgusty Weekend Warrior

    Dec 25, 2012
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    Check out the website Ty has (username tynimiller I think). He has a lot of really good information on improving small acre hunting. Start somewhere though, even if it is as simple as planting a couple apple trees in a well lit area.
    Small Acre Hunting

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