I'm sending your damn stands back to MI. I think you sent you Negative MOJO down here with them, and I'm sick and tired of it. You can have it back. These deer are kicking my ass this year. And I now have my own version of Mr. Mass haunting me. My big 10 and I are getting quite the history, another sighting this weekend.
What? LOL It's not my stands fault, I soaked them in my sweaty sock scent before I sent them I even sprayed a bit of my aftershave on them so they smell pretty If you want to kill that big ten, may I suggest a F-250
I'm a GMC fan myself. But I'd rather do it with a BowTech. Hopefully he can survive the orange army next weekend.
And Gary, didn't you also sell some stands to PT and Rob? I think I see a pattern here. These 2 have also had a tuff time putting a buck down this year. Are you into VODOO or anything like that?