Hey all. been a while since I was on. Hope you all are well. I am so tired of this whole scene. Covid, protesters, racial unrest, politics.. the whole 9. Who is with me and can't wait to just sit in a tree or blind and just exhale? and the world can go away for a bit
I was just thinking this today. I’m over people arguing about masks. People in general have been irritating the **** out of me. I’m due for a “backcountry” camp/hunt. It’s hard to get back country in Indiana though.
Sorry but if anyone believes things will change merely that day...I've got an underwater island of land to sell you that comes with unicorns and fair dust fields.
Exactly!! Your left wing bias media will continue fanning the flames of hype to stir the brainwashed masses while the Demonrat party cheers them on. You can vote your way into Marxism but you have to shoot your way out. Covid will be the BS excuse to take control of our lives in every way possible.
your anti-political venting and who here gets the virus first thread took exactly one post to become political venting and who here gets the virus first thready. But yes, I cannot wait to get my butt in the woods with bow in hand.
Well, here in the Old South, things are a changing. Richmond, VA only 20 mins north of me has a new face. All the monuments are gone, all the confederate names are erased. History has been erased. I am a southern boy, one hour away from the NC border and it's like a world away. The woods and farmland of southeast VA is the only place I can go for peace. Take race out of it. Richmond was the capitol of the Confederacy. For better or worse, it's history that no longer exists. Traditions are disappearing. I am NOT a supporter of racial discrimination or slavery or mistreatment of any race, but there was a culture here that was not all bad. The southern culture is being erased all throughout the south. The south gave this country so many great things. But it's all water under the bridge now.
October 1 can't get here soon enough. I haven't missed more than a couple of days of work this year and I have 3 weeks vacation in November. I probably won't see more than 5 people in that entire 3 weeks
Same here in Tennessee. People overlook- Andrew Jackson was a slave trader; Abe Lincoln's in-laws had slaves; U. S. Grant's in-laws had slaves; N. B. Forest quit the Klan when it became so violent; W.T. Sherman opposed the Emancipation Proclamation; recruiting posters after Fort Sumpter declared to save the Union and slavery was never mentioned; if slavery was the issue leading to the war, then why did the government wait until 1863 to issue the EP; blacks owned slaves; Robert E. Lee led the forces at Harper's Ferry and the demand for surrender was delivered by JEB Stuart. Surprising what you learn by reading history books and biographies. Edit- If one want to erase the bad memories of the past, then why is Auschwitz still standing?
Pro tip: Get off social media. I removed FB and IG from my phone 2 months ago and haven't looked back. It brings nothing positive to your life. Turn off your phone, turn off the news, and you'll likely find that the world isn't such a bad place after all. There's a lot of things to learn, experience, and enjoy before you're dead.