So I need a new sight and a new range finder my Nikon finally crapped out on me. I was throwing the idea around about getting the Garmin Xero sight. When I add up a new sight and range finder I’m around 500$, I can get the Xero A1 for 700$, not sure if I want to rely on tech for my shot in case something doesn’t work. Anyone have one of these, been watching videos and reviews and seems slick. Just reluctant to take the plunge.
Decided to stick with a fiber sight and handheld range finder, last thing I want is to have issues in the field.
Def temping, but if it failed on me I’d be bummed. I was reading about software updates to prevent it “freezing up” left a sour taste
It's a great sight. I had blast using it for the few months before hunting season. Never had any intention of hunting with it however I can see how it will be very effective.
Got ya. Just for person principal or do you enter deer? * guess you said for eligibility, been a long day.
Both. i have entered a few animals and I am lucky enough to have one being paneled scored this year so If I was using the Garmin that's something I couldn't do.. I also find some level of satisfaction with some self imposed limits.
I respect that. How did you get one paneled scored? I’m not familiar, I never sent any of my bucks in to get entered.
It was a caribou. Panal scoring is done by invite. The club invites the largest animals that where taking during the scoring period to be panel scored by a team of judges. So they have to invite you to send your animal in. At that point the panel of judges remeasure the animal for a new/ or confimed official score and then an award is given at the convention.
I hunted with one last season and sold it recently. I had no reliability concerns. It is well engineered. For example, if the cable to the button/trigger becomes disconnected it will fail-safe to display your set pins. I got rid of it because I just wasn't a huge fan of the projected "pins". If you have it up too bright you get light-bleed on the glass and it's not a clean dot. If you compare it to a fiber, it's just not the same. It probably wouldn't bother most people...
I know somebody who has owned one for 2 years now. This guy takes archery pretty seriously, Shoots 6-7 days a week. I asked him about his sight the other day, he said he wouldn't want any other sight on his bow. He hasn't even had to change the batteries yet. And it hasn't failed him once.
I stumbled across one for a price I couldn’t pass up, looking forward to playing with it this summer.
Looking forward to hearing your thoughts on it. I’m most likely going back to a multiple pin sight (HHA Tetra) as I plan on hunting out west a little and think that is the best option for me.
I’ll def let ya know, I held onto my Fast Eddie XL if I want to go back to fiber sights. The adjustable double pin could be a good option for your as well for hunting out west.