I ordered one of these from a dealer I know last year and instead of sending me one, he sent me a case of six. I gave one away, kept one and am selling the remaining four of them. They work excellent for carrying a climber in and out of the woods, as well as any other stands. These are listed on GPG's site for $62.95 and for $59.95 everywhere else. I'm asking $45 TYD. Note: I'll remove them from the package to ship them. If you want them in the package, it'll be $50 TYD. Shoot me a PM if you're interested!
Dan have you tried these on a LW stand yet? I have been looking at them and debating if I should get one or not.
I only did one time last year and it worked great. At this price, you'll be able to sell it for what you're paying for it easily if you didn't like it.